List of Software/Hardware/Information

The comp.speech FAQ provides information on a range of software, hardware and resources.

Q1.6: Handicap Aids

* Man-Machine Interfacing
* SpeechViewer II

Q1.7: Speech Data

* Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals
* BUPT Spoken Digit Database (Chinese)
* Center for Spoken Language Understanding (CSLU)
* Examples of IPA Symbols
* Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC)
* Oxford Acoustic Phonetic Database
* Phonemic Samples
* RELATOR project
* University of Victoria Phonetic Database

Q1.9: Speech Processing Environments

* CSRE: Computerized Speech Research Environment
* DADiSP from DSP Development Corporation
* Entropic Signal Processing System (ESPS) and Waves
* GoldWave
* Kay Elemetrics Computer Speech Lab
* Khoros
* Matlab plus Signal Processing Toolbox
* MacSpeech Lab II
* N!Power
* OGI Speech Tools
* Ptolemy
* Quadravox Speech Processing Products - Qbox
* Speech Filing System (SFS)
* Signalyze 3.0 from InfoSignal
* SoundScope

Q1.11: Miscelaneous Software and Resources

Speech Application Interfaces

* ASAPI: Advanced Speech API (AT&T)
* SAPI: Microsoft Windows Speech API
* SRAPI: Speech Recognition API
* TAPI: Microsoft Windows Telephony API

Network "Phone" Software

* CUSeeMe
* CyberPhone
* DigiPhone
* InterFACE from Hijinx
* FAQ: How can I use the Internet as a telephone?
* Nautilus: Secure Computer Telephony
* NEVOT (1.4v) from AT&T BL
* PGPfone
* Speak Freely
* Internet Phone from VocalTec
* WebPhone
* WebTalk

Audio Processing Software

* AF version AF3R1
* Voice E-Mail from Bonzi Software
* MicNotePad Recording Software for Macs
* MixViews
* Network Audio System Release 1.1
* NIST Software - SPHERE and SCORE
* Sound Processing Kit
* TCPplay

Human Audio Perception

* Auditory Modeller 1
* Auditory Modeller 2
* Auditory Toolbox for Matlab
* Human Audio Perception Document

Dictionaries and other Lexical Tools

* BEEP dictionary
* CMU dictionary
* CUVOLAD dictionary (Oxford Dictionary)
* Comprehensive Word List
* EAT: Edinburgh Associative Thesaurus
* Homophone List
* Moby Lexical Resources
* MRC Psycholinguistic Database
* WordNet
* Dictionaries on the WWW

Phonetic Fonts and Phonetic Samples

* International Phonetic Alphabet
* WWW: Phonetic Fonts and Examples Online
* Summer Institute of Linguistics IPA Fonts
* Phonetic Fonts for TeX and LaTeX
* Yamada Language Center

Very Miscellaneous Software

* The vOICe
* The Learning Company's Language Training
* Wildfire - an Electronic Assistant

Q2.6: Audio Hardware

* Macintosh Audio Hardware
* PC Audio Hardware
* Unix Audio Hardware

Q2.8: Signal Processing Software

* SigLib from Numerix Ltd.

Q3.3: Compression Software and Hardware

* 32 kbps ADPCM
* Castleton Network Systems - G.729 Voice Coder
* CELP 3.2a & LPC-10
* 8 Kbit/s CELP on the TMS320C5x family of DSP chips
* CyberVoice
* Rockwell's DigiTalk
* File format conversion
* G.711/721/723 Compression
* G.728 LD-CELP vocoder
* G.728 Compression
* GSM 06.10 Compression
* Lernout & Hauspie Speech Coding (5 products)
* Lernout & Hauspie Speech Coding SDK
* MPEG Audio
* shorten - a lossless compressor for speech signals
* Sipro Lab Telecom Inc. Coding
* Sonarc: Digital Audio Compression
* StarAudio Compressor/Player
* TrueSpeech from DSP Group
* U.S.F.S. 1016 CELP vocoder for DSP56001
* ToolVox from Voxware

Q4.2: Natural Language Processing

Q5.5: Speech Synthesis

Apple Macintosh
* BeSTspeech from Berkeley Speech Technologies, Inc., (BST)
* Infovox Product Range
* Macintosh Speech Output Applications
* Macintosh Speech Synthesis Manager
* MacYack Pro
* MBROLA: Free Speech Synthesis Project
* ProVoice Developer's Speech Toolkit from First Byte
* SENSYN speech synthesizer
* Sound Bytes DeveloperUs Kit
* Macintosh Speech Synthesis Manager

Windows (including 95, NT, 3.1)
* AcuVoice
* AT&T Watson Speech Synthesis
* BeSTspeech from Berkeley Speech Technologies, Inc., (BST)
* Creative TextAssist and TextAssist API
* DECtalk: Text-to-Speech from Digital
* ETI-Eloquence
* Infovox Product Range
* IPOX: All Prosodic Speech Synthesis Architecture
* Lernout and Hauspie Text-To-Speech Windows SDK
* Listen2 Text Reader
* MBROLA: Free Speech Synthesis Project
* Monologue for Windows from First Byte
* PAM - A Text-To-Speech Application
* ProVerbe Speech Engine from ELAN Informatique
* ProVoice Developer's Speech Toolkit from First Byte
* SENSYN speech synthesizer
* Sound Bytes DeveloperUs Kit
* Tinytalk
* TruVoice from Centigram
* WinSpeech
* ZMD Speech Synthesis

* CSRE: Computerized Speech Research Environment
* Infovox Product Range
* MBROLA: Free Speech Synthesis Project
* ProVoice Developer's Speech Toolkit from First Byte
* SENSYN speech synthesizer
* spchsyn.exe
* Tinytalk
* ZMD Speech Synthesis

* ProVerbe Speech Engine from ELAN Informatique
* ProVoice Developer's Speech Toolkit from First Byte
* Sound Bytes DeveloperUs Kit

* AcuVoice
* AsTeR
* BeSTspeech from Berkeley Speech Technologies, Inc., (BST)
* DECtalk: Text-to-Speech from Digital
* ETI-Eloquence
* Emacspeak - A Speech Output Subsystem For Emacs
* Festival Speech Synthesis System
* Klatt-style synthesiser
* KPE80 - A Klatt Synthesiser and Parameter Editor
* "learph": Trainable text-to-phoneme software by Antonio Lucca
* Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Text-to-Speech system
* MBROLA: Free Speech Synthesis Project
* Orator from Bellcore
* ProVerbe Speech Engine from ELAN Informatique
* rsynth
* SENSYN speech synthesizer
* SGI Developers Toolbox Synthesiser
* Speak
* TrueTalk
* TruVoice from Centigram

Integrated Circuits and Dedicated Hardware
* Eurovocs
* Infovox Product Range
* ProVerbe Speech Engine from ELAN Informatique
* RC Systems V8600/V8601 Text to Speech synthesizers

Other Platforms
* BeSTspeech from Berkeley Speech Technologies, Inc., (BST)
* TheBigMouth (NeXT)
* MBROLA: Free Speech Synthesis Project
* Narrator Translator Library (Amiga)
* Narrator (Amiga)
* TextToSpeech Kit (NeXT)
* Orator from Bellcore
* SENSYN speech synthesizer
* WreadFiles: File reader for Commodore Amiga

* Lernout and Hauspie Text-To-Speech (3 products)
* Text to Phoneme Program 1
* Text to phoneme program 2
* Text to phoneme program 3

Q6.5: Speech Recognition

Apple Macintosh
* Digital Dreams Speech Recognition Plug-Ins
* Dragon Dictation Products
* Macintosh Speech Recognition Manager
* PowerSecretary

Windows (including 95, NT, 3.1)
* AT&T Watson Speech Recognition
* Cambridge Voice for Windows
* CustomVoice and CustomTelephone: A&G Graphics Interface Inc.
* DragonDictate for Windows
* Dragon Dictation Products
* Dragon Developer Tools
* Ficomp Interpreter 6000
* IBM VoiceType Dictation and Control
* Kurzweil Speech Recognition (2 products)
* Lernout & Hauspie ASR SDK
* Listen for Windows 2.0 from Verbex Voice Systems
* Microsoft Speech Recognition
* NCC Dictate
* Phonetic Engine 500 (PE500) from Speech Systems, Inc.
* Philips Speech Recognition (2 products)
* ProNotes Voice Tools
* PureSpeech
* smARTspeak from Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc.
* Visual Voice from Stylus Innovation
* VoiceAssist for Windows from Creative Labs, Inc.
* VoiceServer for Windows
* Whisper
* WildCard Speech Products

* DATAVOX - French
* Dragon Developer Tools
* Ficomp Interpreter 6000
* Jialong He's Speech Recognition Research Tool
* smARTspeak from Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc.
* Votan VPC2100 Voice Card and VSP 1010 Speech Processor

* IBM VoiceType Dictation and Control

* AbbotDemo
* BBN Hark Telephony Recognizer
* EARS: Single Word Recognition Package
* Ficomp Interpreter 6000
* Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) from Entropic
* Jialong He's Speech Recognition Research Tool
* Lotec Speech Recognition Package
* Myers' Hidden Markov Model software
* NICO Artificial Neural Network Toolkit
* Nuance Speech Recognition System
* PureSpeech
* recnet

Integrated Circuits and Dedicated Hardware
* HM2007 - Speech Recognition Chip
* OKI VRP6679 - Speech Recognition Chip
* Sensory Inc. Integrated Circuits
* Speech Commander - Verbex Voice Systems
* Voice Control Systems Recognition
* VCS 2030 & 2060 Voice Dialer

Other Platforms
* Simon Says (NeXT)
* Voice Command Line Interface (Amiga)
* Visus SpeechKit

* Berkeley Restaurant Project (BeRP)
* Lernout & Hauspie ASR (3 products)
* Voice-Trek 2.0
* Voicetek Corp.
* Voice Processing Corporation Speech Recognition Product Line

Q6.6: Speaker Verification and Identification

* ImagineNation: Voice Activated UnLock Technology
* Jialong He's Speaker Recognition (Identification) Tool
* Keyware Biometric Security Products
* SpeakerKey Voice Verifier from ITT
* SpeakEZ Voice Print Speaker Verification
* Voice Control Systems: Speaker Verification Technology

Q6.7: Integrated Speech Products

* SpeechWorks™from Applied Language Technologies, Inc.
* Nortel Speech Technology Products

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Administrivia, Copyright, Submit Information : Last Revision: 17:19 02-Oct-1997