OGI Speech Tools
- Developers from the Center for Spoken Language
Understanding (CSLU) at the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and
Technology (Portland Oregon)
- Platform: Unix
- Description: The OGI Speech tools include :
- An X windows display tool (LYRE) for displaying data in a time
synchronous fashion for a. the speech signal b. spectrograms c. phoneme
labels, and other information.
- A Neural Network (NOPT) training package.
- An set of C library routines (LIBNSPEECH) for the manipulation of
speech data, including: a. PLP Analysis, b. Rasta PLP Analysis, c.
Linear Predictive Coding, d. Mel Cepstrum Coding, e. Fast Fourier
- A set of utilities for converting file formats such as ADC, NIST,
mu-law, binary files, and ascii. Includes filtering.
- A database utility (find_phone) to automate speech database related
enquiries. It allows the user to specify a particular label or set of
labels in a given context, display all occurrences of the label, and
relabel the occurrences if desired.
- A Vector-Quantizer based on the Linde Buzo and Gray (LBG)
- A set of PERL Scripts which have been used mainly to automate the
use of the OGI Speech Tools.
- MAN Pages for all routines and programs developed, as well as a
User manual in both in postscript and tex format.
- Misc: Software is written in ANSI C.
- Contact:
Email: tools@cse.ogi.edu
WWW: http://www.cse.ogi.edu/CSLU/
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Last Revision: 22:44 21-Mar-1996