Auditory Toolbox for Matlab
- Description: This toolbox provides extensions to
Matlab which are useful to people
interested in auditory/cochlear modeling.
[Matlab is described is the previous section.]
This toolbox has been tested on both Macintosh and Unix computers.
It includes the following major models:
- Lyon's Passive Long Wave Cochlear Model (our conventional model)
- Patterson-Holdsworth ERB Filter bank with Meddis Hair cell
- Seneff's Auditory Model (Stages I and II)
- MFCC (Mel-scale frequency cepstral coefficients from the ASR world)
- Spectrogram
- Correlogram generation and pitch modeling
- Simple vowel synthesis
- Availability: From Malcolm Slaney home page and by anonymous FTP:
The following files are available:
- AuditoryToolbox.mif.Z
- AuditoryToolbox.psc.Z
- AuditoryToolbox.sea.hqx
- AuditoryToolbox.tar
- AuditoryToolbox.tar.Z
The ".mif.Z" file is a Unix compressed version of the FrameMaker documentation.
The ".psc.Z" file is a Unix compressed version of the Postscript documentation.
The ".tar" and ".tar.Z" files are Unix TAR archives containing all of the
m-functions and C-MEX source code. Finally, the ".sea.hqx" file is a
Macintosh self-extracting archive that has been encoded using BinHex.
There is precompiled version of the three MEX function for the
- Misc: Our lawyers ask you to remind you that there is no
warranty. We've done some testing but we undoubtably missed things.
- Contact: Malcolm Slaney, Interval Resarch.
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Last Revision: 22:37 27-Mar-1996