ge204@watch$ /home/solveb/hub5/htkbin/bin.i686/HRConvert.090302 /home/widowb/ears/bn-E/exp/eval98-test/hmms/hrconvert.cfg -a hmm164/MMF -b xwrd.clustered.mlist -c hmm164/RMF | tee hmm164/hrconvert.LOG
The first step in the training is the creation of the decision trees that define the tying of states for all cross-word triphones. The clustering is performed by HHEd and as input needs untied triphones trained using HERest on all the training data. This training is performed using 2-model re-estimation where a set of well-trained (state-clustered, multi-mixture) models are used to perform the state alignment. The input model set must have the same topology as the alignment model set. Typically simple monophone HMMs (found in monoHMMs/) are cloned for all triphones in the training set (this list is in train.xwrd.mlist, see train.xwrd.mlist.LOG). The transition matrices of all allophones of the same centre-phone are tied. The resulting MMF is stored in hmm0/.
ge204@widow$ /home/widowb/ears/bin/bin.linux/HHEd -A -D -V -T 1 -B -H monoHMMs/MMF-silsp -H monoHMMs/MMF.silsp -w hmm0/MMF \ /home/widowb/ears/bn-E/lib/edScripts/tie_clone.hed /home/widowb/ears/bn-E/lib/mlists/mono.mlistsee tie_clone.LOG
The next step is the 2-model reestimation which yields the trained untied triphones in hmm1/ and the occupation statistics file in hmm1/stats.
2-model reestimation ge204@watch$ /home/widowb/ears/tools/herest.codine HTEfiles/HTE.2model hmm0 hmm1The untied triphones and the occupation statistics provide all the data needed in the actual clustering.
ge204@watch$ ln -s /home/widowb/ears/bn-E/lib/mlists/all.tri.list unseen ge204@watch$ gunzip hmm1/stats.gzTo start the clustering a subdirectory clustering/ is created and a template of the HHEd command file is copied (or linked) into it. The standard template can be found in $ears/bn-E/lib/edScripts/cluster_ROVAL_TBVAL.hed. The actual clustering job is submitted by running
ge204@watch$ 1000 750The results will be in clustering/hmm10_1000_750 and consist of the tied model file MMF, the associated modellist newlist.1000_750 and the decision trees cluster_1000_750.trees. The number of states can be found in the LOG file (final TB: Stats line). Typically a number of different RO and TB values are tried and the a particular combination is chosen, by creating a two links ponting to the chosen set, e.g.:
ge204@watch$ ln -s clustering/hmm10_1500_1500 hmm10 ge204@watch$ ln -s clustering/hmm10_1500_1500/newlist.1500_1500 xwrd.clustered.mlist
ge204@watch$ hbuild.codine HTEfiles/HTE 11 14At this stage the variance floors of the models can be re-calculated:
ge204@watch$ mv hmm14/MMF hmm14/MMF.orig ge204@watch$ gunzip hmm14/stats.gz ge204@watch$ HHEd -A -D -V -B -C cfgs/ave_var.cfg -T 1 -H hmm14/MMF.orig -w hmm14/MMF \ $ears/lib/edScripts/ave_var_0.1_hmm14.hed xwrd.clustered.mlist | \ tee ave_var_0.1_hmm14.LOGNow the resulting single-mixture models can be trained up by alternating mixing-up with re-estimation steps.
ge204@watch$ hconstruct.codine HTEfiles/HTE 1 16 high 4 2 ibm
ge204@watch$ /home/widowb/ears/tools/herest.codine HTEfiles/HTE.m hmm164 hmm164.m ge204@watch$ /home/widowb/ears/tools/herest.codine HTEfiles/HTE.f hmm164 hmm164.f