Abstract for tuomola_tr362

Cambridge University Engineering Department Technical Report CUED/F-INFENG/TR362


P.M. Tuomola, A.H. Gee, R.W. Prager and L. Berman.

October 1999

3D ultrasound data is typically visualised by any-plane slicing, volume rendering or surface rendering. None of these techniques can readily convey the spatial relationship between the visualised data and the patient's body, something which is particularly important when the data is reviewed after the scan has taken place, perhaps by a remote expert who did not even perform the scan. This paper describes a facility to register the 3D ultrasound data to the patient's body and then display the data correctly superimposed on a rendered mannequin. This way, the user can appreciate the position and orientation of any visualisation with respect to the patient's body. The facility relies on efficient implementation of progressive meshes to manage the level-of-detail of the mannequin model.

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