Abstract for tranter_icassp05

Proc. ICASSP 2005, Volume I, pp. 753--756. (March 2005, Philadelphia, PA)


S. E. Tranter

March 2005

A cluster-voting scheme is described which takes the output from two speaker diarisation systems and produces a new output which aims to have a lower speaker diarisation error rate (DER) than either input. The scheme works in two stages, firstly producing a set of possible outputs which minimise a distance metric based on the DER and secondly voting between these alternatives to give the final output. Decisions where the inputs agree are always passed to the output and those where the inputs differ are re-evaluated in the final voting stage. Results are presented on the 6-show RT-03 Broadcast News evaluation data, showing the DER can be reduced by 1.64% and 2.56% absolute using this method when combining the best two Cambridge University and the best two MIT Lincoln Laboratory diarisation systems respectively.

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