Estimated incidence of failure to progress in labour (experiment 05)

Estimated incidence of failure to progress in labour

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Maternal age

15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Not known

Children now living

0 1 2 3 4+


< 155cm >= 155cm Not known

Previous obstetrical history

Previous Caesarean sections Previous neonatal deaths

ICD-9 codes describing case

Click on the ICD-9 code to see how the condition is described in the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision.

2780 Obesity 6400 Threatened abortion
6411 Haemorrhage from placenta praevia 6412 Premature separation of placenta
6418 Other antepartum haemorrhage 6423 Transient hypertension of pregnancy
6424 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia 6429 Unspecified hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
6441 Early onset of delivery 6459 Prolonged pregnancy
6469 Unspecified complication of pregnancy 6478 Other specified infective and parasitic diseases
6480 Diabetes mellitus 6482 Anaemia in pregnancy
6521 Breech or other malpresentation successfully converted to cephalic presentation 6523 Transverse/oblique presentation
6525 High head at term 6528 Malposition not elsewhere classified
6541 Uterine tumour in pregnancy 6545 Cervical incompetence in pregnancy
6548 Congenital or acquired abnormality of vulva 6561 Rhesus isoimmunization
6562 Isoimmunization from other and unspecified blood-group incompatibility 6565 Poor fetal growth
6566 Excessive fetal growth 6567 Other placental conditions
6579 Polyhydramnios V230 Pregnancy with history of infertility
V235 Pregnancy with other poor reproductive history V238 Other supervised high risk pregnancy

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