smARTspeak from Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc.
- Platform: Windows, Windows 95, DOS, and General Magic
It also works on the following Processors/Microcontollers:
Intel's 80 x 86, Intel's 8031, 8051, Motorola's 68000, and Hitachi's SH1, SH3, SH8.
- Description:
smARTspeak is suited to voice command and control applications, such as voice
dialing in cellular and desktop telephones, or voice command operation in
computers and multimedia products.
It uses a compact (10KB size on 16 bit machines), fast, user dependent recognition engine.
smARTspeak can recognize any language in any accent.
ART recently completed a Software Developer Kit (SDK) for smARTspeak, running
under Windows 3.1 or higher which allows the voice recognition engine to be
used within Windows Applications.
More detailed information on smARTspeak and the SDK is available on the
ART WWW pages.
- Availability: Currently liscensed to other equipment manufacturers
(OEMs), system integraters, software, and application developers, and value added
resellers (VARs) who port are technology into their product.
- Contact: Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc.
International Office:
43 Brodezky Street, POB 39918, 61398 Tel Aviv, lsrael
Ph: 972-3-642-7242, Fax: 972-3-642-5887
US Office:
9574 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Chatsworth, CA 91311, USA
Ph: 818-678-3999, Fax: 8181-678-3994
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Last Revision: 13:42 24-Feb-1997